II - Legacy’s First Light
Twenty years later, photographer Eddie Chow retraces the historic Long March route. His lens focuses on pivotal sites: from Ruijin, the cradle of revolution, across the majestic Luding Bridge, to the historic Zunyi Conference site, traversing the strategic Chishui River crossings, through the grueling Snow Mountains and grasslands, and finally reaching Yan'an—where the Red Army triumphantly converged.
相隔二十載,攝影師周家俊再度踏上這條承載厚重歷史的長征路。這次旅程,他的鏡頭聚焦於長征路上的關鍵據點:從革命的搖籃瑞金出發,經過氣勢磅礴的瀘定桥,到見證歷史轉折的遵義會議舊址,再到四渡赤水的險要之地,以至於艱苦卓絕的雪山草地,最終抵達延安 ─ 紅軍勝利會師的革命聖地。